
Daves' Diary

Welcome to my very own slice of the world wide web. This is an account of my trials and tribulations as I try to forge ahead on this spinning globe and get myself a 'career' in the process. Please read on and make sure your feet are clean. Thanks!

Saturday 28 May 2011

job offers and interviews and.........

Following on from my lowly paid temporary position starting next week I have now been contacted about a much longer term, better paid temporary position. Could I be going from this....
to this.......

the only problem is that this second potential job (more interesting, better economic return and glitzy job title) will involve me being interviewed. we have seen this is where my dysfunctional personality trips me up. Despite all my best intentions, researching and soul searching it goes wrong. I will focus more intently and be more grown up and serious I think. Need to get myself off the benefits sytem too. Psychometric testing rates me as a 'supportive people person' and in this instance I am keen to help the government, economy and whole nation by getting myself away from the benefit system. I am not a number I am a free man......of sorts........thanks.....

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