
Daves' Diary

Welcome to my very own slice of the world wide web. This is an account of my trials and tribulations as I try to forge ahead on this spinning globe and get myself a 'career' in the process. Please read on and make sure your feet are clean. Thanks!

Thursday, 8 September 2011

.......more snakes...more ladders.....

Snakes and Ladders:

Well, it has been a few weeks since my last entry in this electronic diary. I eventually got a position back in oil and gas so left a job I was actually enjoying (but paid poorly). Back in oil and gas prospects were shiny and new so my confidence was high. After several weeks the job was pulled out from under me like a cheap rug. All that glitters is not gold it seems! I now find myself back in the relentless cycle of internet, source, apply, reject, DSS, wallow…..etc etc.

On a more positive note this has now given me some valuable gym time back so I can, at least, be healthy if not employed/able. Another change is that I now frequent a wide variety of coffee shops that have wi-fi. My wallet is full of loyalty cards and my body is full of decaffeinated soya latte!

Presently the job hunt is going slowly. Applications are out there but little is coming back other than the occasional thanks but no thanks.

I am not shaving my face until I get an interview. Not shaving anything.

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