
Daves' Diary

Welcome to my very own slice of the world wide web. This is an account of my trials and tribulations as I try to forge ahead on this spinning globe and get myself a 'career' in the process. Please read on and make sure your feet are clean. Thanks!

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

2012 and beyond....


As one year becomes another what changes?

 A cynic would say that one new day is the same as the last old day but those of us, ahem, not feeling cynical look at each new day as being one full of new opportunity and unchartered territory. Like an explorer the journey continues……..
it's a jungle....

The undergrowth has been treacherous with vultures circling high above. All is not lost as I have a penknife and shiny CV.

Updating this in a coffee shop.

xmas and ne'er...


The travails that make up job searching don’t really take a proper break over Xmas and Ne’er.

It stutters but it doesn’t stop.

 It is all made a bit harder by companies doing budgets, running at skeleton staff and having parties but it does continue.

 The whole world does not all take a break. The search goes on and on and on…..

Sunday, 18 December 2011

feeeedback.............nah nah nah

Have you ever skipped out of an interview high on adrenaline and confident you’ve got the job only to find out later you haven’t? Or maybe you left the interview with that gloomy feeling knowing you’ve messed up and you want to know where you went wrong.

Getting feedback from employers post interview can give you an insight that will help you to move on and start thinking about the next application.

Thank you for the constructive feedback. I appreciate your thoughts and you taking time to provide a response on this matter.

Is this wrong?........

Dear Carol

I would appreciate some more detailed feedback than this please. I travelled 6 hours by train and bus to give you all a very thorough breakdown of my career and aspirations. It would help me to have an understanding of how I did not match the calibre of other applicants from the questions put me?

Many thanks for your time,

 Feedback on a Sunday.....I am bitter...

Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Left Londinium on 17 November after 14 months trying hard to make it work. Was leaving hasty and impetuous?

Only time can tell me that.

 Now having relocated to the other end of the country the quest for the job continues. Like the search for the Holy Grail….

Looking for a silver lining takes a great amount of time. If you ‘settle’ then it comes sooner but at what cost?

Now back in Scotland I am colder but the hunt is keeping me warm!

With many irons, of all shapes and sizes, in the fire I am sure that 2012 will be THE year!

Monday, 28 November 2011


No change in my actual job situation other than I have moved location from the South of the country to the north. Rightly or wrongly I have a strategy!
not too mossy......!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Tuesday 11 October.....

more stories from the dark recesses...

Tuesday 11 October:

Dear David Morrison

Following your recent application for the position of Recruitment Administrator/Coordinator (reference: SNR/CC/ADMIN), I am writing to let you know that unfortunately you have not been successful this time due to other candidates offering a closer match to our clients requirements which are confusing and irrational.

Thank you for your interest in this role and we wish you well with your continued search efforts.

Dear Recruiter,
The following candidate:
Name: Mr David Morrison
Email address:,
has applied online via for the position of Experienced Recruitment Officer as advertised on
Any candidate comments are listed below:

I am skilled in many areas and immediately available for a gradual start.

Dear Jobseeker

Thank you for applying online through

Your online application has been sent to Red Snapper Group. does not take part in the selection process because we do not have the required skills unlike you; please contact the recruiter directly at to follow up on your application.

Best of luck and we hope to not see you again x

Monday, 10 October 2011

boxed in....

Need to start thinking outside the box. The box is my comfort zone and I need to break free. Can anyone advise me on how I might best start exercising my right to creative thought?


Unfortunately, due to the very specific brief from my client we have had to shortlist candidates whose experience more closely fit the brief.

days work....

.......and it is only 11am....

·                 Your application has been sent successfully………whooooop……

·                 I confirm that I am eligible to live and work in the UK

·                 David
having now reviewed all applications, I regret to advise you that we have
selected another candidate for this role. Thank you for your interest and
we wish you future success.

·                 Unfortunately I have to inform you that on this occasion we will not be taking your application any

further. I appreciate the time and effort you have put into your application and thank you for your interest in

the position.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

job job job hunting.......................

Job Searching:

It is tough out here in the land of the unemployed. I should know as I have been on the job hunt merry-go-round for 12 months now.

There is talk now of a double dip recession. All the posturing by the government about badly needed cutbacks (to essential services) look like amounting to not very much. With my finger on the pulse I can tell that the bankers, having gotten off very lightly, are not very popular. We still hear about bonuses and exorbitant salaries. How to antagonise and remove motivation from those that need it most. The engine room of the country is overheating?

I am in the library just now using the facilities provided to aide my searching. This place is always busy. Will be closed too?

I don’t doubt that I will get a job but how long will it take and what damage will be done?

Back on the merry-go-round then!

it's all.....

Thursday, 15 September 2011

grand tour.....

Aspirational tour:

I have been out for a walk about some of London’s more salubrious areas. This was designed to motivate and inspire. On my tour I found all sorts of interesting, inspirational and magical stuff…..:

Fast taxis..

Posh pavements….

  Ten star tea shoppes..

 Big currency…..

Onwards and upwards.....

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

song writing - new career...?

Job Rap:

Wam, I came to London town to find da job

I thought the streets were paved with Gold

But they wizzint

Now I can’t get da job I feels old, innit

Needs to findf summink quik

Perm better dan temp

But begging can’t be choosing like, maan

Wit an interview I has had a few

But no job I am going on da brew

Djlm68 on the hunt and life’s a….

Keeping it real

more interviews

A recent interview with a large oil and gas operator was cancelled as it was filled internally. Real shame as this would have been an excellent opportunity. It did, however, encourage me to brush up on my competencies. When you look closely and dig deep it is very interesting to see what you know and have achieved. Back to the drawing board!

Thursday, 8 September 2011

.......more snakes...more ladders.....

Snakes and Ladders:

Well, it has been a few weeks since my last entry in this electronic diary. I eventually got a position back in oil and gas so left a job I was actually enjoying (but paid poorly). Back in oil and gas prospects were shiny and new so my confidence was high. After several weeks the job was pulled out from under me like a cheap rug. All that glitters is not gold it seems! I now find myself back in the relentless cycle of internet, source, apply, reject, DSS, wallow…..etc etc.

On a more positive note this has now given me some valuable gym time back so I can, at least, be healthy if not employed/able. Another change is that I now frequent a wide variety of coffee shops that have wi-fi. My wallet is full of loyalty cards and my body is full of decaffeinated soya latte!

Presently the job hunt is going slowly. Applications are out there but little is coming back other than the occasional thanks but no thanks.

I am not shaving my face until I get an interview. Not shaving anything.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

new job....

Hello everybody

I recently turned another page and started another new job. I have removed myself from the charities sector and made a grand entrance back in oil and gas! What do I think:
but then what do I know........?

Friday, 8 July 2011

Phoenix rises

Moving on....

Well. I am making yet another job move. The phoenix has risen

from its watery grave

and I am going back into oil and gas.

My subsea past

has caught up with me and is being aligned alongside my HR/recruitment expertise.

This new adventure looks like being quite a grown up opportunity to establish myself as an adult in a grown up world. Square peg round hole....?

After several roles now in the charity sector I will be quite sad to leave the VSO

It is a commendable organisation doing a lot of good. The HR team is very inclusive

Keep a look out for the next exciting instalment......

Friday, 1 July 2011

working day........

A post about my working day may not seem that riveting but I think it is nonetheless appropriate for this blogosphere......

Day starts early with some.....

......although, in keeping with my Scottis roots, I sometimes have....
....then with a skip and jump off I go to work...

My first stop is the bus stop where I wait patiently for my reasonably priced trip to work (thanks Boris)
Once on the bus I visibly relax and become quite happy....
The bus trip is a good time for deep thought, relective thinking and more depression...
When I pass my semi regular coffee pit stop I sometimes feel in need of a legal boost of some sort....
Then fully refreshed I am set to tackle the days work and chores

It is never straightforward and sometimes an alter ego is required to help me graft through yet another day doing work type stuff

Thankyou and goodnight again.
