
Daves' Diary

Welcome to my very own slice of the world wide web. This is an account of my trials and tribulations as I try to forge ahead on this spinning globe and get myself a 'career' in the process. Please read on and make sure your feet are clean. Thanks!

Monday, 28 September 2015

Turning the page...

As I trundle through yet another mid life career crisis I find myself turning the page  and a new chapter beckons. Now, with a new job starting tomorrow what lies ahead?

Friday, 25 September 2015

Next job...

Have secured a temporary job. In another new sector but at least I am not having to move city again. Is this a stepping stone, platform or stop-gap. Only time will tell....

Thursday, 24 September 2015


A year ago I left a job in order to move to another company. I was to be doing a very similar job. What were my main drivers for this move? Better technology, better management and, not a big factor, some more money (car allowance was nice to get). This bold and adventurous move lasted 3 weeks before I was shown the door. Not great. I had walked into a perfect storm of crashing oil prices, a team leader not up to the job and a company that was as bad as, or worse, than the one I had left. Also I believed the location would be better for me personally too. I was duped, did not look before I lept and did not ask the right questions. The last 12 months as a result of this have been pretty tough. I have spent 8 months without a job. This has been very hard and very frustrating. Marie has totally stuck by me and supported me through this. I am marrying Marie because I love her very much and if I don't seize this opportunity to be happy it will be gone.

Monday, 21 September 2015

DSS sign off....

There comes a time in everybody's life where circumstances change. Either for better or worse. On this occasion at the end of a chain, which I see as both fortuitous and just, I am signing off DSS statistics as I now have job. This is saving the government coffers some much needed cash and is reinstating my self esteem. All that glitters may not be gold but I see done shiny lights ahead.

Interview Day Out

Had a day trip to Glasgow today to meet with SSE and discuss a 12 month opportunity as a Resourcing Consultant. Had thought it might be a pretty casual affair with an immediate offer. This made me happy
Turns out it was quite formal. Lots of structured questioning. Actually had met one interviewer (there were 2) at a previous interview. With RBS back in February. Not sure if this is good or bad as I didn't get that job
Think the interview went well but you can never tell. Maybe my technical engineering pitch was good enough to get me invited back?

At least my shoes were clean
Still on train. Getting bored
Cheerio xx

Sunday, 20 September 2015


Well, now I am at another career crossroads having been offered a temporary role with RGU. This is s job I applied for because it was temporary and with a very good institution. Is it another stop-gap or steppingstone (to what....?). Does it bring an end to my high level corporate recruiting skills. Not necessarily. What it does mean is that I get to stay in Aberdeen with Marie. That is what I want and the rest will fall into place. Thank you RGU.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Interview Day Out

Had a day trip to Glasgow today to meet with SSE and discuss a 12 month opportunity as a Resourcing Consultant. Had thought it might be a pretty casual affair with an immediate offer. This made me happy
Turns out it was quite formal. Lots of structured questioning. Actually had met one interviewer (there were 2) at a previous interview. With RBS back in February. Not sure if this is good or bad as I didn't get that job
Think the interview went well but you can never tell. Maybe my technical engineering pitch was good enough to get me invited back?

At least my shoes were clean
Still on train. Getting bored
Cheerio xx


Still on train

Shoes still shiny

Still bored.....

Thursday, 10 September 2015


I get changed, warm up then off I go. My rind can be good, bad, steady, faster, slower, sweaty....etc. Sometimes I enjoy them and other times I don't but STILL I GO. How does this equate to or help my job hunting?