
Daves' Diary

Welcome to my very own slice of the world wide web. This is an account of my trials and tribulations as I try to forge ahead on this spinning globe and get myself a 'career' in the process. Please read on and make sure your feet are clean. Thanks!

Monday, 24 February 2014


My tutor also taught me that 'we can fix that which is damaged'. Correctamundo...


My life coach told me that there would be casualties as I trip stumble fall and kick my way through life. My big left toe is the first....

Friday, 14 February 2014

Speaking the speak....

Sometimes I find the opportunity to speak at length and in detail about my professional experience in my job as a senior recruiter very welcome. Smiling face.

Had an interview today and that provided me with just such an opportunity. Nobody yawned or clapped but I am confident that all I said was of interest. No jokes this time!

If I get an offer then it creates a bridge I will happily cross. Time, and 4 more candidates, will tell!

Saturday, 1 February 2014


Ever get days when you cannot be bothered...


This is a picture of my after work post work out face. Cleverly shot to avoid focus on the bulbous spot on tip of my nose!

This photo tells a story. Hard day at work battling against an invisible but always present tide followed by a beasting in the gym at work. I have no limits.....or followers!