
Daves' Diary

Welcome to my very own slice of the world wide web. This is an account of my trials and tribulations as I try to forge ahead on this spinning globe and get myself a 'career' in the process. Please read on and make sure your feet are clean. Thanks!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

new job....

Hello everybody

I recently turned another page and started another new job. I have removed myself from the charities sector and made a grand entrance back in oil and gas! What do I think:
but then what do I know........?

Friday, 8 July 2011

Phoenix rises

Moving on....

Well. I am making yet another job move. The phoenix has risen

from its watery grave

and I am going back into oil and gas.

My subsea past

has caught up with me and is being aligned alongside my HR/recruitment expertise.

This new adventure looks like being quite a grown up opportunity to establish myself as an adult in a grown up world. Square peg round hole....?

After several roles now in the charity sector I will be quite sad to leave the VSO

It is a commendable organisation doing a lot of good. The HR team is very inclusive

Keep a look out for the next exciting instalment......

Friday, 1 July 2011

working day........

A post about my working day may not seem that riveting but I think it is nonetheless appropriate for this blogosphere......

Day starts early with some.....

......although, in keeping with my Scottis roots, I sometimes have....
....then with a skip and jump off I go to work...

My first stop is the bus stop where I wait patiently for my reasonably priced trip to work (thanks Boris)
Once on the bus I visibly relax and become quite happy....
The bus trip is a good time for deep thought, relective thinking and more depression...
When I pass my semi regular coffee pit stop I sometimes feel in need of a legal boost of some sort....
Then fully refreshed I am set to tackle the days work and chores

It is never straightforward and sometimes an alter ego is required to help me graft through yet another day doing work type stuff

Thankyou and goodnight again.
