Today was a beautiful sunshiny day so I took a well earned break from being nailed to my seat in the flat and took a bus to the job centre in Stretham for my day out. This is where I went:
here I sourced a bunch of jobs that aren't really suitable then went for a cup of coffee in my favourite middle eastern kaff:
.....I thought the fun would never stop but after getting home I found that......
......was on the telly!
Wow, if things get any more exciting in job hunt land I will need to get some prescription drugs again......
Daves' Diary
Welcome to my very own slice of the world wide web. This is an account of my trials and tribulations as I try to forge ahead on this spinning globe and get myself a 'career' in the process. Please read on and make sure your feet are clean. Thanks!
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Health and fitness....
Is unemployment and free time creating an inverse equation whereby through my increased 'free time' I am making more gym visits but also receiving my daily quota of 'unsuccessful on this occasion........' emails; resulting in a healthier body but a diminishing mind. When I get a job will this result in a healthier mind but unhealthier body? Is that a fair trade? Off to watch the snooker......
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
agency meeting...
Had a conversation with a recruiter this morning. Seems the job market is bad for everyone and it is not just me. I thought I had been singled out for past life sins but seemingly not. This has left me feeling slightly relieved but less special. Onwards and upwards......etc etc
I made the move to London so that I could closer to my lovely girlfriend. This was a big move for a shy and retiring but curious lad from the North East. It has shaken up my working life and has now has encouraged me to change my outlook and broaden my horizons. She helps me, guides me and is quite lovely.....
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
quiet day....
Some days I get a volley and calls or emails from agents about either my CV being of interest or an application I have made. These days seem to be as rare as an early summer sun. Whoah! Look at the sun out there. Is that my phone ringing again and have I replied to those emails yet? Busy busy.....yesterday but today the phone is my silent companion and my inbox is full of generic spam. I should be swotting for Thursdays interview but the snooker is on...........sad sad sad!
Balls balls balls.....
Balls balls balls.....
Monday, 18 April 2011
interest....18 April 2011
Have had a reasonable amount of interest in my CV today. This has come from a variety of sources with one asking me to interview this Thursday. Having spoken with recruiters today I know which opportunity I would like to blossom. But will it? I risk putting all my eggs in that basket and letting all opportunities fade away! This is back to my mindset and focus. Am I being too scattergun? Interesting times lie ahead. Might make my hair a little greyer though!
Sunday, 17 April 2011
job hunt marathon...
Well, on the cusp of another week trawling the internet looking for dream jobs. Went and had a look at the London Marathon today. My marathon feels longer and is much steeper. My training has been good and I have plenty of bananas so maybe I'll win the race this week. Must remember not to keep applying vaseline to my man nips.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
I have decided to feel a wee bit sorry for myself for an hour and this song seems fitting.......
......rock on....
......rock on....
interview - outcome 15.04.2011
My most recent interrview went well. Seemingly. Quite relaxed 'conversation' over a coffee for 50 mins. I tried to sell myself and engage my interviewer. Thought it was good. As I was the only candidate being seen my hopes were high and I got home afterwards and sat with my phone next to me waiting for an eager voice to call with an unbeatable offer. The clock ticked on and no calls came. I gave up this waiting game after an hour or two and opted for a feed. Next day I spoke with the agent and more candidates are going to be seen. This is not a 'no' and equally not a 'yes' so am I, once again, waiting in the job applicants no-mans land. I keep lauching myself over the top and into the market but keep getting, metaphorically, shot back. Quite annoying but determination remains high.........
Thursday, 14 April 2011
another interview.....
Today sees me going off to another interview. This time for a temp job in the charity sector. Very worthwhile and good job content but I worry about stability and permanency. I have a pension to think about. Will this route lead to happiness or frustration. I have to learn that the grass is not always greener, infact it is often muddier and more treacherous. Oh, what to do and where to go....?
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
I have another interview tomorrow. This is for a temporary role in recruitment. The job content is good but I am looking for a permanent role to give me stability. And a pension! Also I feel it may only serve to further pigeon hole me in this 3rd sector. It seems that the content of the job you do is less important that the sector you have worked in. Aren't skills transferrable? Ok, a little tranistion may be neccessary but by looking outside the box isn't greater strength through diversity achieved? My personality is what it is but I know that my skills are transferrable. Does nobody else? The world is all wrong....
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
langauge skills....
It has been suggested to me that when I am at an interview I should maybe muderate ma reeelly strong Scootish acent. This is racist but I may apply for government assistance in the costs involved. A fair investment by the government could well result in my finding gainful employment, paying taxes and buying goods and services. Recession solved.
back to work.....
Had my mandatory 'back to work' interview today. Starting to enjoy my little visits to the mean streets of Streatham. Feel like it connects me with a new hood and I have found a good little middle eastern cafe where I can sit and have coffee (at a personal recession friendly 1.20p) whilst making plans for the future. Coffee shops are where I make all my key life decisions. Maybe the caffeine is playing with my mind?
Interview session, although a mandatory chore, was actually quite good. I contributed to the discussion and shook hands. All very correct. Learnt that job hunting is a journey and not an event. Unlike going to the toilet!
Interview session, although a mandatory chore, was actually quite good. I contributed to the discussion and shook hands. All very correct. Learnt that job hunting is a journey and not an event. Unlike going to the toilet!
Monday, 11 April 2011
reading material...
Picked up a free magazine the other day. It is a car magazine. Probbaly shouldn't have done that....
Dear Sir/Madam,
As you will see from my résumé, I am an experienced CIPD and REC-qualified HR/recruitment specialist. Through this experience I have been responsible for delivering successful public and private sector hiring programmes to meet organisational needs. Experienced in direct sourcing, candidate sourcing and using a PSL.
In my role with RBG Ltd (2007-2008) I was involved in setting up a new technical recruitment desk in the offshore market (to generate a new line of revenue). Having worked offshore in oil and gas as a diver I have a very good understanding of large construction projects. This involved developing new business, sourcing candidates (direct sourcing strategies) and making submissions. I was also involved in in-house recruitment and this meant working with a PSL and advising line managers so that their recruitment needs were understood and met. Working with line managers I advised on sourcing strategies and best practice (selection of recruitment media and use job and person specifications).This involved researching and understanding market conditions. This role was made redundant at the beginning of the recession (Dec 2008). The job move I then made took me to Aberdeen University where I was able to upgrade my CIPD membership; giving me a more in-depth understanding of the recruitment cycle. This role also involved me in the posting of requisitions, working with payroll and training colleagues on systems. My skills in HR have given me a very sound understanding of the legislation in the recruitment process and how these need to be addressed to drive a business forward. Since moving to London I have taken on two temporary roles in HR/recruitment/training.
I have very good knowledge of both HR and recruitment and understand how important it is in the recruitment process to ensure good communication with all parties.
Having taken voluntary severance and relocated to London (for personal reasons), I am now seeking an opportunity to further my career and take my skills back into the recruitment sector. I have taken on temporary roles in order to get myself into the London job market. I firmly believe that my skills and experience form an ideal platform for undertaking this role and would therefore welcome the opportunity to discuss ways in which I can make a positive contribution to your business. I am immediately available and would welcome the opportunity to meet.
Yours sincerely
David Morrison
job search......more
Back at the DSS today (bus fare at my own expense) for my fortnightly signing. Due to staffing there I had to see a new bureaucrat. Went through all the 'box ticking' machinations in my allotted 10 mins. All very routine and uninspiring. The DSS has a rather odd assortment of staff. All very uninspiring. Have to go to a 'return to work' interview. Another interview. Wonder if I will get the job? Quite depressing. I'm not depressed!
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wow |
signing on....again
Today is my day to sign on for my hard earned benefits. These allow me to fill my drawers with porridge so that I do not starve and buy deodorant for any interviews I may have. Perversely I rather enjoy these little trips. I get to show how hard I am looking and how unlucky I am being. I will have the same conversation with a woman who does not remember me all about 'didn't expect to be back here' and 'things are picking up'......etc etc ad nauseum. Just had a call about an interview with the McMillan Trust. Temporary job but hey-ho. Self-esteem and actualization lie ahead in the mists of time!
entrepreneurial spirit......
Went to the Columbia Road flower market yesterday. In amoungst all the blossoming chaos and sneezing there was a young girl (about 10 yrs) sitting in her window ledge selling small homemade fairy cakes. At only 40 each these were selling well. Despite the 'summer' sun. I was going to suggest that she approached the Dragons Den for some investment capital so that she could diversify into tea and coffee (soya latte please) but this didn't seem to be an appropriate conversation to have so I bought two cakes and moved on. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in Tower Hamlets!
Saturday, 9 April 2011
body and mind...
I still maintain that a healthy body is essential in keeping your mental faculties flowing efficiently. I have just fininshed another gym session (release of pent up frustration?) and it seems to me that for all the effort I put into keeping fit I am doing pretty well. All the effort that goes into making life right will pay off too. Best regards, Dave....
After a hard week of endless job searching is it fair for me to do nothing at the weekend? Trouble is that the unemployed lifecylcle makes all days look the same but I do try and resist trawling the internet for possible opps. This blog is a pretty good distraction. Going to the gym is an effective release of angst and frustration and now with that done I will go and spend some quality time with my girlfriend. She deserves it.
Friday, 8 April 2011
personal recession....
In more affluent times, when I had a job, I looked down my nose at some shops. But now that I live on the breadline it seems that if I can buy something for a pound or 99p then I will buy it. Whether I need it or not. Need to fill all available empty spaces in my rented bedsit palace with porridge. This will make starving to death less likely. Job hunting inspires me.
job hunting....poetry
Today job hunting is fun
I can sit in the sun
Look at the internet
I will catch that job
Brown is my new colour
I can sit in the sun
Look at the internet
I will catch that job
Brown is my new colour
knock back knock back.....
It's another knock back
Don't look back in anger
Move forward in anticipation
You will be glad
Don't look back in anger
Move forward in anticipation
You will be glad
dream job.....
Maybe I should get a clipboard and walk the streets..........
don't mean to be mean to this lad and I'm sure he is working hard at working hard. Good luck pal....
don't mean to be mean to this lad and I'm sure he is working hard at working hard. Good luck pal....
Too nice......
My latest job interview has led to another polite 'nice guy, but not right for this position'......blah blah feedback. I suffer from the 'nice guy' syndrome it seems. Is the working world really so blunt and mean? How can I, again, reshape my personality? My soft edges are too soft and I have to be harder, meaner and much more corporate. Damn my nice personality.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
more applications....
After yesterdays day of annual leave I managed to hammer out 14 applications today. All for jobs I am confident I can do! Is this too many? Contemporary thought suggests that the canny job seeker should get a good 3 out per week. Only that a joke? I can rattle out 3 in half an hour. Granted they may not be as good as they could be. I blame my impatience and keeness to be the first to pounce. Working things out is tough and I can't really keep blaming the recession. It could be that I have a dysfunctional personality. I doubt this.
annual leave...
Yesterday was such a lovely day that I took a day off from my relentless job search activities. It was hard at first and I cried, but gradually I learnt that it was not the end of the world! Might aswell enjoy my period as a national government statistic. Being a tourist suits me:
Had a break from job search yesterday and spent time in the sun browning my pasty white Scottish skin. Getting vitamin D is a good idea when feeling stressed about work work work. Went to Greenwich and saw the exact place where time was invented. Lay in the park. Had an ice cream and worried about work. At least it was sunny! Is a well earned break a good thing?
I am currently reviewing my approach and trying to look beyond the 'norm' and think outside the box. Need a source of income soon. Have thought about crime but prison scares me. Might revive my nude modelling career or acting (woooden extra) in order to generate an income. Might get a job too!
Post match analysis doesn't have to be about football. It can be job interview, sex , health and fitness, cinema.....on and on and on....
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
hot topics...
Have been reading, and contributing, to discussions on Linkedin and Changeboard recently. There is a lot of good thought out there. Also a lot which seems to verge on the cynnical (I am in tune with all cynicism). Can this be an effect of the current national work situation? I am looking for work again and find maintaining a thoroughly positive outlook all the time to be thoroughly draining but still try hard. What is the answer to finding work/life nirvana and can one exist with out the other? Thoughts? Opinions? Help?
todays interview....
Interview today, for a contract resourcing advisor role, went well. I have thought this before! Maybe this time it will go my way. Why not? Positive mental attitude...etc etc.....
When I get an offer I'll have a wee party...
When I get an offer I'll have a wee party...
Sitting at my desk doing some more 'revision' for todays interview. Really want this. Can get out of my rutt, get off benefits and add value to my CV. Have decided against spinning bow tie and make up but will wear tie. What is your prep for an interview and has been successful? This is becoming all very second nature to me. It makes my personality interesting but dysfunctional.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Blogging is hard work and an intrusion into my valuable job search time but is it a healthy break from an otherwise one dimensional life? Comments? Constructive comments?
I'm keen to get this thing up and running but cannot work out how to get an audience. Shame because I have so much of interest to say. Funny too.
I have an interview tomorrow. Should I be focussing on that instead of this? Better go now and research my skills and align them to the job inhand...........
This is important to me and I consider myself good at it. Not everybody thinks like me. Shame for them. Where does humour fall on your life agenda and are you good at it?
- should I use humour in my interviews or will this damage my chances?
- should I use humour in my interviews or will this damage my chances?
I see work as being very important. It helps boost my self-esteem and pride. Enables me to afford to live in an aspirational world and allows me to 'grow' as a person. I don't like ironning shirts but love making pack lunches. What is the correct way to view your working life and what does it mean to YOU? I also enjoy wearing a name badge. This gives me status. And entry.
Italian cafe...
As part of my daily routines I have started going to a small Italian cafe nearby for my mid morning, reasonably priced cappucinno. Here I occasionally have interseting conversations with strangers? Is this a bad habit?
I am a psycholgy graduate, former commercial diver, HR/recruitment professional and have survived a major blow to the head. Is this too diverse?
Is it wrong to let your dignity and pride stand between you and a new opportunity?
I have now wracked up a number of interviews in London but with no success. Consider myself a good candidate with strong quals and experience (strength in diversity) but why can't recruiters see this? What is the secret to success? Please advise? Thanks....
Badly hit by a car when passing through Abu Dhabi in 2003. Spent 4 weeks asleep and never dived again. Left me with a weak left side and an interesting story to tell. Wanna know?
In another life I was a professional offshore diver working out in the Gulf (Middle East). A bad accident (see coma post) brought this to an early end and that is why I have in recent years revived my HR/recruitment career. Why don't oil and gas companies see the value I could and would add. Should I change my sector focus?
HR & recruitment....
I am experienced in both areas and see them as being closely linked. Find myself slipping more and more into HR speak and discuss topics such as 'onboarding', 'outsourcing', 'matrix environments', 'full engagement and 'business strategy plans' this normal?
job applications.....
Making an endless amount of job applications is now second nature to me. Sometimes they disappear into the ethernet never to be seen again or I get back a generic 'thanks, but no thanks' email. It is remorseless and fatiguing but cannot be avoided. In it to win it....what is the solution to this?
I keep in regular touch with the folks back home but I know they worry about me turning into a 'bum'. Little do they know that I am already a bum......
Amazing how seemingly reluctant the DSS is to let you know about what you are eligible for. Interview expenses, clothing allowances, reduced price travel...I wonder what else is out there. I don't want to fiddle the system but want what I am due as a model modern citizen. Are things meant to be this tough?
Coming to London where the streets are paved with gold was my plan. Signing on for benefits was not but I am entitled so why not.....? Oddly I rather, perversely, enjoy signing on as I get to boast about how proactive, and unlucky, I have been. I also get to go to a little Middle Eastern cafe for a recession busting coffee. How else can I make some mnoney I wonder? Is lottto too much of a longshot?
job hunting.....
Looking for work is hard graft. It is a job in itself but with no paypacket, pension or colleagues. I do get frequent tea breaks though! I am glued to the internet daily (nothing pornographic) and frequently want to smash my computer up. It makes me red faced and angry but this would be very poor resource planing. I talk about resource planning in some interviews sos hould practice what I preach. Do you practice what you preach?
Woke up recently and had no milk to make tea. This did not bode well for the day ahead.....and I consider myself organised. Is this a flaw?
Going to the gym is another important part of my routine lifestyle. This could be attributed to my age (crisis?) but it is infact a lifelong habit. Having survived this long I think I am good for a number of years yet! Getting better as I get older? Can this be possible?
health and fitness...
I consider my health and fitness to be vitally important to helping me keep 'in the game' and believe that a healthy mind and body are important in maintaining the previously blogged 'sanity'. Any other ideas are welcomed?
I keep myself sane (my definition) by developing daily routines. Some are dull and repetitive. Most are dull and repetitive but having lived in the fast lane before I am slightly more cautious now. Is this an age thing?
Coming to London with no job to walk into was a bit of a gamble at the height of the recession but nothing ventured......Have had a couple of temporary jobs working in HR but am currently 'between' positions. Battling hard with the job market is a job in itself. Several interviews have resulted in not very much. An interview tomorrow. Watch this space........
Initially I lived with my girlfriend but after a few months moved into my own wee space. Now in a house share with a wide variety of Europeans. Very cosmoploitan! My knowledge of French, Swedish and Italian has come on in leaps and bounds. Quite different from life in the DaveCave back in my Aberdeen days!
I moved to London last September 2010. Having found love on the internet I packed my bags and now here I am. Settling in has been pain free. London is a big and busy place...just go with the flow. No problems anticipated...
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